Frequently Asked Questions

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  1. Click on “+” button at bottom of the home page to create the event in app.
  2. You would be prompted to confirm if you want to start and event. Click on “Create” to start an event.

You can invite friends in three ways.

  1. Invite using QR code. You can use this method if your friend is in your vicinity usually.
  2. Invite using the link at the bottom of the screen. You can create the event early on and share a link with your friends via Text message, email or any other method. This would be a link for collaborators.
  3. Invite using in-app invite using your contact list. Press the ‘+’ sign on the top left of the screen and add your friends from there.

  1. To stop an ongoing or live event, click on the stop icon present on the Live Event tile of your home page.
  2. If you are a host, you need to enter a name and category for your event to finish the process.

There are a couple of ways to ensure your privacy in a live event:

  • If you are in a live event, click on the pause icon on the Live Event tile to temporarily stop Picaggo from uploading your pictures in a live event. You can resume later. If you already uploaded some pictures you don’t want, simply delete them from the Picaggo gallery.
  • You can choose to keep the auto-syncing of images Off and, each time, manually select the images to be synced. To turn off auto-sync:
  1. Go to “Settings”
  2. Turn Off the Auto-sync toggle button.

Groups help you add multiple friends using their mobile number at once in an event. To create a group,

  • Click on ‘Groups’ icon on the bottom navigation bar
  • Click on ‘Add New Group’ on the Groups screen
  • Select multiple contacts from your phone’s contact list
  • Click on Done icon at the bottom
  • Enter Group name in the next screen and Save

In your event gallery, you have the option to change the order of the images by clicking on sort icon. This will reverse the order of images.

You can uninvite a friend from an event until they have not accepted the event. To do so, follow the following steps:

  • Click on event info screen inside the event
  • From the list of invited friends, select the one you want to uninvite and slide it left.
  • You will see a ‘-‘ icon, click on the icon to remove the person from your list.

Picaggo gives you the option to report inappropriate media file, comments or user if you find it offensive. You can also block the user.

To report inappropriate image/video:

  1. Click on the particular image or video file
  2. Click on three dots at the top right corner. This will open up options to Report Content, or Report Content and Block User or Block User.
  3. Select any desired option.

In case of report, we at Picaggo will register your request and review it within 24 hours. You will be intimated by email on the updates to your request.

If you select Block User, it will remove the user and their content form your account until you unblock them. And the blocked user too cannot see your account.

Picaggo gives you your images in their original quality. While viewing in the gallery, we keep a compressed version but when you download your images, you get the original image as you uploaded.

We give you the option to sync your events and images in your personal Google Drive if you wish. So in case you delete your account, you can sync your images before deleting. So, you will have all your images with you. But if you don’t sync, after deleting account you won’t be able to access Picaggo and your data will be lost.

Still have a question? Ask your question here

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Questions or feedback? Reach out to us anytime. We’re here to help enhance your photo collection app experience.

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1313 N. Milpitas Blvd
Suite 167, Milpitas
California – 95035
United States

Phone Number

+1 408 213 7454

Email Address

[email protected]

Working Hours

09:00AM to 06:00PM